Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me Follow-Up

Thank you to everyone who IS making my birthmonth so wonderful! Thanks to Mom and Dad (for the beret and the shopping), Amy & Chris (for the soaps), Chip & M-L (for the soup and cookbook), & Mom and Dad Rhodes (for the gift of shopping.. I bought AWESOME yellow leather gloves to wear with my apple-green coat), thank you for all the cards, flowers, e-mails, and phone calls. I feel loved!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

I can't believe I don't blog more.

Well, it's that time of year... it's Birthmonth time! A mere 24 hours is just not long enough to celebrate the anniversary of a birth, so I have declared October my birthmonth (it IS my birth month, but I am making it my birthmonth... one word... semantics are everything!) One day of celebration used to be enough. I think that celebration is proportional to age: soon I'll be celebrating my birthyear and then my birthdecade, etc. If I am 90 and want to celebrate for a decade, who's to stop me? Not you! You'll probably be dead.

I've been asked, "What did you do on your birthday?" Fair enough, just remember what I said about one day not being enough...

I woke up way too early and, not wanting to wake up Todd early on a Saturday just to make me breakfast in bed, I puttered around the house.

When Todd realized that I was home and NOT at choir practice he brought me my present. He handed it to me while my eyes were closed (he's not much of a wrapper...):

Carrie: "Oh, yay! I needed a new teapot. Thank you, sweetheart."

Todd: "Yeah, sorry the lid is so small."

Carrie: "That's OK, I don't need a big tea pot anyway. And the lid just needs to be big enough for me to put water inside."

Todd: "Well, some people like to put things inside their tea pots."

Carrie: "I just put in water."

Todd: "Well, some people like to put in other things."

Carrie: "Besides water? Like what?"

Todd: "I don't know. Just other things."

I just stared at him for a moment. It was still early. But then he LOOKED at the teapot and I got it... I may be older, but that doesn't make me wiser... inside the teapot I found shopping. I love shopping. That's one of the best gifts you can get me... shopping, unless I need a new teapot.


So the rest of the day was spent doing laundry and getting Todd ready to go to Orlando. I would have gone with him, but I could not fit it into my teaching schedule. I drove Todd to the airport and kissed him goodbye. I love that man.

I drove over to the Brigham and picked up Mo for the quickest IKEA run ever. We ran in, got what we needed, and ran out. Birthday efficiency! Mo broke a lantern, so what!

Then we drove over to Market Street Grill and met Dad, Grandma & Grandpa Green, Amy & Chris, and Chip & Marie-Laure for a wonderful dinner. The food was good & the company better.

So the birthday celebrations continue on! Thank you Mom & Dad for more shopping, and for the beautiful red beret! Chip and Marie-Laure, thank you for the wonderful dinner on Sunday night, a delicious harvest feast, and I have enjoyed phone calls and notes from friends everyday since. Thank you, everyone! Let's keep the party going for at least 16 more days! Hurry home, Todd!