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YOLANDA...here are the gruesome details of my domesticity:
aprons- y/n? if y, what does your favorite look like?
A resounding YES. I often forget to wear them, but they are mostly vintage and are so cute. I have my Grandmother’s aprons and they are lovely and decorative
baking- favorite thing to bake:
I don’t really bake. I like to cook, but I’m not a great baker.
clothesline- y/n?
I wish…at least once a week I wish.
donuts- have you ever made them?
I think I made them once in Home ec in high school, but I keep frozen Rhodes rolls in the freezer in case I want to make scones. So yummy!
everyday- one homemaking thing you do every day.
Clean the kitchen. Not exciting.
freezer- do you have a separate deep freeze?
No. I often wish that I did. Why do they make freezers so small to begin with?
garbage disposal- y/n?
I have lived without one before…but, was I really living?
handbook- what is your favorite homemaking resource?
Martha Stewart Living…’nough said.
ironing- love it or hate it?
I LOVED ironing when I was little. My mom would indulge me and let me iron pillowcases. But then I burned my hand really bad (3rd degree) I still have a faint scar. Now Madsen Cleaners is my iron.
junk drawer- y/n? where is it?
I have one junk drawer in the kitchen but everything is in an organizer. Then in our closet T and I each have our own little tupperwear drawers that hold our junk.
kitchen- color and decorating scheme?
I didn’t have a plan in mind when I started. But it’s eclectic. Don’t be put off when I say it’s red, yellow, and blue…but it’s red, yellow, and blue. Tastefully done I hope.
love- what is your favorite part of homemaking?
Renovating. Tiling. Painting. Building chicken coops.
mop- y/n?
Sort of neither. I have a swiffer mop but I use bar towels as the absorbent implement. I just use a spray bottle and a towel with a long handle. So low tech.
nylons- wash by hand or in the washing machine?
I am generally opposed to nylons unless they are thigh-highs and absolutely necessary. I am more prone to tights or fishnets, but I machine wash on gentle in a lingerie bag and hang dry.
oven- do you use the window or open the oven door to check?
I have a widow, but usually look inside anyway which is why I totally burned my eyeballs the other day. They were SO light sensitive and watery for a couple of days!
pizza- what do you put on yours?
I am a simple girl. I like the margherita pizza: tomatoes, basil, & mozerella.
quiet- what do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?
Read if I have a good book or watch something saved on the TiVo.
recipe card box- y/n? what does it look like?
Family recipe book with blank pages in the back. And lots of paperclips holding things waiting to be transcribed.
style of house- what style is your house?
I don’t know. It depends what room you are standing in. I would like to build my own house someday, but I think it would be something old like from the 20’s…like a bungalow style.
tablecloths and napkins- y/n?Yes! Vintage-y. Anything from Williams-Sonoma. Lots of paper cloths with plastic backing: white formal and toss-able.
under the kitchen sink- organized or toxic wasteland?
vacuum- how many times per week?
As often as I can. I love my Dyson.
wash- how many loads of laundry do you do per week?
If it’s just me at home…like one a week. If T is home…like five!
x's- do you keep a daily list of things to do that you cross off?Weekly list.
yard- y/n? who does what?
Yes. Todd does the vegetables and the grass and I do the herbs and the flowers.
zzz's- what is your last homemaking task for the day before going to bed?
Cleaning off my bed and putting away clothes.